Product Description
$5.00 price reflects warehouse sale to make space for new standards-related products and is effective through 11/30/19 or while supplies last.
This special timeline helps students record, organize, and compare facts about states, as well as local, national, and world events.
Information and Documentation
As students place information under the tabs, they will learn more facts about each state and its historical significance.
State profiles may be created under each tab and may include:
- Capital city, population, symbol, bird, tree, and flag
- Current governor and economic demographics
- Major rivers and tributaries
- Major cities
- National parks and major industries, forests, and lakes
- Historically significant items, battlegrounds, notable figureheads
Packet includes two sets of reproducible templates--states shown alphabetically and states shown in order of ratification; spines and labels.
Price includes standard shipping within 48 contiguous U.S. states; please contact our office for shipping rates and options for other areas.