Product Description
This special timeline helps students record, organize, and compare facts about U.S. Presidents, as well as local, national, and world events.
Information and Documentation
As students place information under the tabs, they will learn more about each President's historical significance and other attributes. Students can record personal beliefs, political affiliations, and global events during each President's term(s) in office. Space is provided to note causes and effects and/or pros and cons of decisions made, policies promoted, and legislation passed during each presidency.
Generalizations and Observations
Students may reflect on and respond to the following when gathering data about the Presidents:
- why are some Presidents elected for only one term?
- who do some serve two terms?
- How and why does a Vice President become President?
- Do conservative administrations seem to follow liberal ones, and vice versa?
- What part can family, friends, and advisers play in the success or failure of a President?
- Do Presidents take public opinion into consideration when making decisions?
Packet includes a set of reproducible templates representing U.S. Presidents through Barack Obama.
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