Product Description
After several eye-opening workshop sessions, Dinah realized that many educators need more help creating the kinds of interactive notebook activities that will prompt student learning at deep and meaningful levels. This book is a compilation of research-based ideas and activities we should all be doing but often forget to do in the whirlwind of the school year. Each purchase includes $5 in free downloads! Create a free account and the $5 will automatically be placed in your account to be used on your next purchase(s). Use this $5 on your favorite templates or select the ones Dinah uses to illustrate concepts throughout this full-color book.
In some ways, this is the book Dinah said she would never write: telling you what can be placed on and under the tabs of Notebook Foldable Graphic Organizers to cover skills from recall to analysis while strengthening communication skills.
Topics include: student communication; differentiation; note-taking skills; vocabulary; distributed practice; chunking, scaffolding and connecting; graphic organizers; questioning; inferencing; visual literacy; using maps, data, and physical specimens; measurement; and incorporating relevant materials. References and background resources are provided so you can further strengthen your professional practice.