
Dinah Zike Academy

The Dinah Zike Academy is a recognized provider of continuing professional education (CPE) for the State of Texas (Provider # 501-536). Our official provider name is Dinah-Might Adventures, LP. This designation is often recognized by education agencies in other states as well.

Dinah established this training facility in the beautiful and historic Texas Hill Country in 2005 with the first institutes offered in 2006. We began with a bang, with a group from San Diego including Dr. Doug Fisher and Dr. Nancy Frey of San Diego State University, and teachers from their newly founded charter school, Health Sciences High & Middle College. Our Academy building itself is unique, having served in the past as a wool warehouse, silent movie theatre, map company, engineering firm, and jewelry repair facility, among other things.

We offer two types of sessions at the Academy: Our jam-packed 2 ½ day core immersion institutes, requiring no prior experience with Foldables and our shorter FOCUS sessions, which are designed for experienced Zikers (if you don’t know what a Ziker is, these are probably not the best sessions for you). Most courses are offered during the summer, though special sessions may be booked for your group of 10-15 educators at almost anytime of year.

Features of the ever-evolving Academy include: Large auditorium area, multiple classroom and breakout spaces, commercial kitchen, computer work areas with high-speed internet access, ample workspaces and materials, extensive displays of Dinah’s Foldables by content area, publishing center models, and a research and reference library.

The Academy is located in the historic and charming village of Comfort, Texas, about 45 minutes from San Antonio (SAT is the most convenient airport) and 1 ½ hours from Austin.



Core Institutes

Cross Curricular Strategies with Foldables emphasizes assessment, differentiation, and integration of learning techniques in and across content areas while incorporating brain-based research and Train the Trainer presentation tips and techniques. Before you leave, you’ll get a chance to present what you’ve learned to your fellow participants. We welcome all interested educators to this institute; this is a required course for those interested in becoming Dinah Zike Trainers. This institute includes 22 hours of CPE.

Notebook Foldables for Differentiation emphasizes the role of interactive notebooks and journals in daily instruction, including strategies for differentiation and academic test preparation. You’ll leave with cross-curricular and content-specific ideas for direct implementation into your school and district. Before you leave, you’ll get a chance to present what you’ve learned to your fellow participants. We welcome all interested educators to this institute; this is a required course for those interested in becoming Dinah Zike Trainers. This institute includes 22 hours of CPE.


FOCUS Sessions

These highly engaging sessions are comprised of three modules designed to illustrate the power of 3-D interactive graphic organizers in a particular content area and are not intended for beginners. Participants are expected to have prior knowledge of and experience with Foldables. These sessions offer 10 hours of CPE.

FOCUS areas include:

-  Academic Vocabulary Strategies for ESL

-  Primary Learner Foundations (PK-2)

-  Elementary Math

-  Elementary Science

-  Elementary Reading, Writing, and Social Studies

-  MS/HS Math

-  MS/HS Science

-  Hands-on History for MS/HS

-  MS/HS Reading, Literature, Writing Connections

New for 2017: Interactive PK-2 Classrooms (no prior experience necessary)

New for 2017: Science Interactive Notebooking (EL/MS)

New for 2017: Math Interactive Notebooking (EL/MS)

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